Mr. Michael Nunn » Who is Mr. Nunn?

Who is Mr. Nunn?

I was born and raised in Tulsa.  I graduated from Nathan Hale High School.  I earned my Bachelor's degree from Northeastern State University.  I earned my Master's degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  I am entering my 17th year of teaching.  At the start of my teaching career, I taught in Tulsa Public Schools.  I taught several years in Crowley ISD (Texas) while earning my Master's degree.  This is my 8th year in Owasso Public Schools. 
My wife of 25 years is a 4th grade teacher at Smith Elementary School in Owasso.  We have four daughters, ages 15 years old to 22 years old.  I have always loved science, especially astronomy.   Other hobbies of mine are fish keeping (I have five aquariums and a goldfish pond in my backyard), gardening (I have a large vegetable garden and several fruit trees), watching movies (I have a large movie collection ranging from silent films to Marvel), playing strategy board games (no, not like Monopoly), carpentry, and reading science fiction novels.  Aside from being a teacher, I am also an ordained minister and I pastor a church in Collinsville. 

I look forward to getting to know you better this year.