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Accellerated Math Pathway

Owasso Public Schools is committed to serving the academic needs of our students. We offer two levels of accelerated placement for students demonstrating a high level of math proficiency. The two levels of placement are one or two grade levels ahead of on-level math. The process of identification begins in 5th grade. Students may qualify for either “Advanced/Accelerated Math” or “Pre-Algebra” the following year.

The 6th-grade Advanced Math course is designed to provide 7th-grade math concepts and is one grade level ahead. The Pre-Algebra track allows students to work two grade levels above the typical on-the-level pathway in 6th grade. Pre-Algebra is typically an 8th-grade math course (for more information and course descriptions see the OPS secondary course guide). We want to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary math skills to be successful in these more challenging courses, therefore, students must qualify for placement. The accelerated pathway is only appropriate for students interested and capable of working at a higher level of math.

Beginning in the fall we analyze current 5th-grade students’ math quantile data from previous Oklahoma State Testing Program (OSTP) assessments and the Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT), which is given to all 5th graders. This data is placed in a matrix to determine overall math proficiency. Students who earn points on the Math Pathway Matrix qualify to accelerate.

Qualifying 5th-grade students will receive instruction in 5th-grade math in conjunction with taking online 6th-grade math in Edgenuity. Progress in this course will be monitored throughout the year. Students will do this during their 5th-grade math class, as an enrichment activity, with the support of their 5th-grade math teacher.

Late in the Spring Semester, all students who’ve qualified for the accelerated pathway will take the Pre-Algebra proficiency-based test (PBT) to determine placement in either Advanced Math or Pre-Algebra in 6th grade. The PBT assessment covers math skills for 6th and 7th-grade math. The PBT takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete and will be administered by the Teaching and Learning team. Based on the results of this assessment, students will be placed in the appropriate math class for their 6th-grade year: “on-level” 6th-grade math, Advanced Math (7th-grade math skills), or Pre-Algebra (8th-grade math skills).

The goal is to identify students who are academically ready to accelerate in math and provide opportunities at each grade level, beginning in 5th grade. Math quantile data, for each student, will be reviewed at the end of each academic year to determine acceleration for the next school year. This process will be conducted for each student through their 8th-grade year.

For more information or questions, please contact Teaching and Learning at 918-272-8182.